
Showing posts from September, 2017
I am now almost a month into college and it is going by so quickly! I have been keeping myself super busy so I have less time to think about missing my dog AND because I am paying too much $$$ to be snoozing!  I have been working at the Art & Architecture library and it is the BEST. There are days when I miss subway (all the free food) but not having to deal with hangry people has been a serious upgrade. I went out for the rowing team on accident... Well, my roommate asked if I would pick her up a rowing flyer and after a long night of looking for one I found them along with a varsity member and by then it was too late to explain that I was not there for me sooooo now I am on the rowing team!   Recently, we had elections for the executive board at my scholarship hall and I was elected for the Social and Diversity/Inclusion chair! I am still enjoying all of my classes, my classmates are getting better about reading which has made class discussions a ton of fun! Some day...