Last Friday the summer academy ended, and yeah I needed a few days before I could write this because I was too emotional! As I reflect on what happened in those short 6 weeks I can only feel great about what the future holds. In high school I always knew who I was but I struggled to express that when I was surrounded by people who knew me since pre school. Moving to a completely unfamiliar area with all new people finally allowed me to be completely me and I loved every minute of it! I also feel super qualified to give advice about high school now (even though no one asked for it!), I think every high school student should go to therapy at least once, or just visit with a counselor before college. I was lucky enough to attend therapy for two years before coming to college and the coping mechanisms I learned in those sessions helped me become self aware, those skills were especially useful when I was living in such a new environment. It was obvious that a lot my peers ...
Showing posts from August, 2017